Uneek Energy Solutions: Transforming Waste into Energy for a Sustainable Australia
Uneek Energy Solutions is an Australian advanced-waste technology provider specialising in processing & converting selected waste, timber waste and commercial and industrial waste to energy.
Our partnerships include a multitude of projects, including cogeneration facilities with gas and biogas engine combustion, Photovoltaic plants and biomass facilities for the generation of thermal and electrical energy.
Uneek Energy Solutions provides the technology, design, site specific, engineering and machinery to generate useable energy from most forms of waste materials, excess heat for processing and steam generation for the manufacturing processes.
We have the capability to provide energy-saving and re-generation solutions for a wide spectrum of Australian and regional industry including Power, Petrochemical, Manufacturing, Process, and all other industries utilising combustion, or heat exchanging processes.
Our locally based, specialist design expertise and manufacturing capabilities combined with global partnerships put Uneek Energy Solutions at the forefront of Australia’s vital waste to energy generation future.
Our Solutions
Specialist Techologies
Why work with us?